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Updated: Jan 13, 2023

Debt funds and fixed deposits are both investment options that offer the opportunity to earn a return on capital, but they differ in terms of the potential for returns and the level of risk involved. In this article, we'll explore the reasons about the popularity of fixed deposits as an investment option and the factors that must be taken into consideration while choosing to invest in fixed deposits or debt funds. This article also highlights why debt funds may be a better option than fixed deposits for those looking to maximize their return on investment.

popularity of fixed deposits

There are several reasons why people may choose to invest in fixed deposits over debt funds. Some of these reasons include:

  • Familiarity: Fixed deposits also known as term deposits are a well-known and widely available investment option that have been around for a long time. Many people may be more familiar with fixed deposits, as they are offered by banks and other financial institutions that people commonly interact with.

safety and guaranteed return in fixed deposits
  • Safety: Fixed deposits are typically considered a low-risk investment option, as they are backed by the stability and creditworthiness of the issuing bank. This may make them a more appealing option risk-averse investors or those who are seeking a stable source of income.

  • Simplicity: Fixed deposits are relatively simple to understand and easy to set up. Investors simply need to choose the amount they want to invest, the term of the investment, and the interest rate and the bank takes care of the rest.

  • Guaranteed returns: The returns on fixed deposits are guaranteed by the bank, so investors know exactly how much they will earn on their investment. This can be appealing for those who are looking for a predictable source of income.

Although investment in fixed deposits has the above advantages, it is necessary to be informed about certain facts of debt funds since they can provide higher return on investment compared to fixed deposits.

how to choose an investment
fixed deposits are safe

Fixed deposits are generally considered to be a relatively safe investment option, as they are backed by the government and are subject to strict regulatory oversight.

Debt mutual funds, like other mutual funds, carry some level of risk, as the value of the fund's holdings, which may include bonds or other debt instruments, can fluctuate based on changes in interest rates and the creditworthiness of the issuer. However, this is regulated and closely monitored by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), which aims to reduce the risk of investment losses through a variety of measures, including regulating the risk profile of investments, concentration of risk in funds, and valuation of investments. These measures have generally been effective in minimizing the risk of adverse outcomes for debt fund investors in the past.

high return for investor and diversification

Debt mutual funds may have the potential to generate higher returns compared to traditional bank deposits, which typically offer a fixed interest rate. This is because debt funds take on both credit risk, by lending to riskier borrowers, and interest rate risk, by holding bonds whose prices may fluctuate based on changes in interest rates. These risks are generally compensated by higher returns. Debt funds may also offer a more diversified investment portfolio, as they typically invest in a range of securities, and are subject to regulatory oversight, which can help to reduce risk.

tax saving

One potential benefit of investing in a debt mutual fund is the favourable tax treatment for long-term capital gains. If an investor holds the investment in a debt fund for at least three years, the capital gain may be taxed at a lower rate i.e., 20 percent, with an indexation benefit, compared to the tax rate that would apply to interest income from bank deposits assuming that the highest tax bracket i.e., 30 percent applies to the investor. However, it's worth noting that if you hold the investment for less than three years, the capital gain may be taxed at the investor’s personal tax rate.

flexibility of investment

Debt mutual funds generally offer more flexibility in terms of redemption compared to traditional bank deposits. Open-ended debt funds typically allow for redemption within a period of 2-3 working days, while many bank deposits may require notice and may impose a penalty for early withdrawal. However, it's worth noting that some debt mutual funds may impose exit loads, or fees, for redemptions within a certain time period (around 15 days to 6 months), and the amount of the exit load may vary depending on the fund. It is therefore important to carefully review the terms of any investment before making a decision.

In conclusion, debt funds may be a better option than fixed deposits for those looking to maximize their return on investment. While fixed deposits offer the stability of a low-risk investment, debt funds offer the potential for higher returns and greater flexibility in terms of investment periods. However, it's important for investors to consider their individual financial goals and risk tolerance when deciding which investment option is best for them.


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