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Updated: Jan 8, 2023

Are you struggling with debt and looking for a way to get out of it? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people find themselves in debt for various reasons, but the good news is that it is possible to get out of debt with some discipline and determination. In this article, we will discuss the steps you can take to get out of debt and stay debt-free for good.

Debt is essentially borrowing money from a lender with the intention of paying it back at a later date, usually with interest. When you take on debt, you are essentially saving money in the short term by using borrowed funds to make a purchase or pay for a service that you may not have been able to afford otherwise. However, the downside is that you will eventually have to pay back the borrowed funds, plus any additional interest charges. Debt can be seen as saving in reverse, because it allows you to access funds in the short term but requires you to pay back more money in the long term. The more debt you take on, the more you will have to pay back, which can put a strain on your finances and make it more difficult to achieve your financial goals and become financially independent.

the more debt you take on, more you have to repay because of high interest rate

disadvantages of having debt
  • Debt can be stressful: When you are in debt, you are constantly worried about how you are going to pay off your debts. This can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety.

using credit cards frequently can delay your goal of achieving financial independence
  • Debt can be expensive: When you are in debt, you may have to pay high interest rates on your debts. When you use credit cards to make purchases and do not pay off the entire balance each month, you are essentially borrowing money from the credit card company and agreeing to pay interest on the unpaid balance. The credit card company charges a high rate of interest on the unpaid balance, which means that you will end up paying more for the items you purchased on the credit card than you would have if you had paid for them with cash or a debit card. This is because the credit card company is making money on you by charging interest on the unpaid balance. In other words, the credit card company is using its own money to pay for your purchases and is making a profit from the interest charges it is collecting from you. Doing such things repeatedly can make it difficult to pay off your debts and can also be financially draining.

  • Debt can limit your financial freedom: When you are in debt, you may have less money available to spend on the things you want to do. This can limit your financial freedom and make it difficult for you to do the things you enjoy.

  • Debt can affect your credit score: When you are in debt, you may have a lower credit score. This can make it more difficult for you to get loans or credit cards in the future.

  • Debt can lead to financial problems: When you are in debt, you may struggle to pay your bills on time. This can lead to financial problems such as late fees or even bankruptcy.

Overall, getting out of debt is important because it can help you live a less stressful and more financially free life.

So, logically the question that would now arise is how can one become debt-free?

ways to achieve financial freedom
try to become debt-free as soon as possible

There are several steps you can take to get out of debt:

  • Make a budget: The first step to getting out of debt is to understand exactly how much money you have coming in and going out each month. Create a budget that includes all of your fixed expenses (such as rent or mortgage payments) and variable expenses (such as groceries and entertainment).

  • Identify your debts: Make a list of all of your debts, including the creditor, the interest rate, and the minimum monthly payment. This will help you prioritize which debts to pay off first.

  • Create a debt repayment plan: Based on your budget and debts, create a plan for paying off your debts. Firstly, pay off the minimum due on all your debts. Then prioritize paying off high-interest debts first or focusing on smaller debts with higher interest rates to get a quick win. Gradually pay off larger debts, starting with those with the highest interest rates.

  • Cut unnecessary expenses: Look for ways to cut expenses in your budget so you can free up more money to put towards debt repayment. This may involve cutting back on non-essential expenses or finding ways to save on bills and household expenses.

stop using credit card ; use cash instead to avoid overspending
  • Forego credit cards: Use only cash and debit cards as much as possible, keeping only on credit card for emergencies. Actually, you can forego a credit card and use only a debit card since it provides all the benefits that a credit card does and also keeps you away from debt.

  • Seek additional income: If you don't have enough money in your budget to make a significant dent in your debt, consider finding ways to increase your income. This may involve taking on a part-time job, selling items you no longer need, or finding ways to monetize a hobby or skill.

Summing Up

Getting out of debt requires discipline, determination and a long-term plan. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can take control of your debt and work towards a brighter financial future. Remember, it may not be easy, but with hard work and perseverance, you can overcome your debt and enjoy the freedom and security of being debt-free. To get out of debt, you also need to focus on building your income and acquiring assets, rather than just trying to pay off your debts. This can be done by creating a financial plan that includes setting financial goals, creating a budget and investing in assets that generate passive income. Follow the plan until all debts are paid off and avoid getting into debt again.


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