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Beyond the Purchase Price: The Total Cost of Owning a Car

Updated: Jan 8, 2023

Cost of owning a car

When shopping for a new car, many people start by setting their budget and then looking at options that fit within their budget. There are some people who make the decision to buy a specific car and then look for ways to finance it, rather than considering the full cost of ownership and determining if it is a realistic and financially feasible option. This approach is not necessarily the most appropriate, as it does not take into account all of the expenses that come with car ownership.

While the purchase price of a car is certainly an important factor to consider, it's important to recognize that the cost of owning a car goes beyond just the initial purchase price. There are many additional expenses that come with car ownership, including fuel costs, which will vary based on how much you drive your car; maintenance and repair expenses, which can include servicing and the cost of replacing parts as needed; car insurance premiums, and depreciation, which refers to the loss in value that a car experiences over time. All of these expenses contribute to the true cost of car ownership, and it's important to consider them when making a decision to buy a car. By taking the full cost of ownership into account, you can make a more informed and financially responsible decision about whether a car is the right choice for you.

Calculating the cost of ownership

We shall look at the constituents that add up to make the total cost of ownership of a car.

  • Purchase price: The purchase price of a car is the on-road cost and is the highest financial contribution towards the overall cost of owning the vehicle. However, it is important to note that the purchase price is not the only factor that contributes to the overall cost of owning a car. This price will include the registration fees paid to the Regional Transport Office, initial insurance premium, extended warranty if taken, etc.

  • Accessories: After purchasing a car, it is common for buyers to want to add additional features or accessories to customise the car to their specific needs or preferences. These can include items such as new seat covers, floor mats, alloy wheels, dashcam and other upgrades. While these additions can enhance the overall enjoyment and functionality of the car, it is important to note that they also add to the overall cost of ownership.

  • Financing cost: If you finance the purchase of your car with a loan, the financing costs associated with the loan should be considered when calculating the overall cost of ownership. These costs can include the interest paid to the lender, as well as any fees associated with obtaining the loan, such as processing charges, disbursal charges, and other charges.

Running cost of car, fuel cost
  • Running (fuel) cost: These costs can vary significantly depending on the amount of use and distance travelled in the car. It is important to consider these costs when purchasing a car, as they can add up significantly over the course of ownership and can potentially even exceed the initial purchase price. You should estimate your average running cost per kilometre and factor it into your budget before you purchase your car.

  • Toll / parking cost: These expenses are generally forgotten and not considered while considering the cost of ownership of your vehicle. Generally while travelling on highways you have to pay toll charges or have to pay for parking fees at malls or your office/ residential premises etc. These expenses might be small when incurred but could cost you a lot over the period of ownership and therefore should be added to the cost of ownership of the car.

  • Insurance Premium: It is necessary to have insurance for your car and it is also mandated by law to have a valid insurance for your car at all times. The cost of the insurance premium can vary depending on factors such as the type of car, cost of your car and the coverage level. In general, insurance premiums tend to be higher for more expensive cars, so it is important to consider this expense when budgeting for a car purchase.

repair and maintenance cost of car
  • Maintenance costs: Maintenance costs are an important aspect of car ownership, as regular servicing and upkeep can help ensure the longevity and performance of your vehicle. These costs are an inevitable part of car ownership and can include expenses such as oil changes, tire rotations, and other routine maintenance. These costs can be minimised by taking good care of your car and following the recommended maintenance schedule provided by the manufacturer and using authorised service centres. If you neglect regular maintenance, you may end up incurring higher costs if the car breaks down or experiences other issues. Further, when you go to sell your car, a well-maintained vehicle with a documented maintenance history may fetch a higher price than one that has not been properly cared for.

In conclusion, the total cost of ownership for a car includes a variety of expenses beyond the initial purchase price. These can include financing costs, insurance premiums, maintenance and repair expenses, fuel costs, toll and parking fees, and other ongoing expenses. It is important to consider all of these costs when budgeting for a car purchase, as they can significantly impact the overall financial expenditure. By carefully considering the total cost of ownership, you can make informed decisions about your car purchase and ensure that you are able to afford all of the associated expenses.


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